Kaitryn Ronning
Postdoctoral Scholar
3301 Tupper Hall
Davis Campus
p: (530) 752-6756
e: keronning@ucdavis.edu
B.S. in Biology, B.A. in Music, Susquehanna University
Ph.D. in Neuroscience, University of California, Davis
Prior to joining the Burns & Pugh lab, Kaitryn was a research assistant with Dr. Helena Kuivaniemi and Dr. Gerard Tromp at the Geisinger Weis Center for Research (2014-2015), and with Dr. Marie Burns at UC Davis (Summers 2012 and 2013). She has been continuously funded by UC Davis NIH training programs, including the Basic Neuroscience T32 (2015-2016), Molecular and Cellular Biology T32 (2016-2018), and the Vision T32 (2018-2020). She has received numerous awards and honors during her PhD studies, including The Ocular Immunology and Uveitis Foundation Travel Grant, Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology Meeting (ARVO, 2019), pilot grants from both the Bioinformatics Core and the DNA Technologies Core at UC Davis (2017), Neuroscience Graduate Student Service Award (2017), and Third Place Prize in the Annual Poster Competition, UC Davis Center for Neuroscience (2017).
Publications from the Burns & Pugh lab
- Meleppat RK, Ronning KE, Karlen SJ, Kothandath KK, Burns ME, Pugh EN Jr., & Zawadzki RJ. (2020) In situ morphologic and spectral characterization of retinal pigment epithelium organelles in mice using multicolor confocal fluorescence imaging. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 61(13):1. [PubMed]
- Ronning KE, Karlen SJ, Miller EB, and Burns ME. (2019) Molecular profiling of resident and infiltrating mononuclear phagocytes during rapid adult retinal degeneration using single-cell RNA sequencing. Scientific Reports, 9: 4858. [PubMed]
- Ronning KE, Peinado Allina G, Miller EB, Zawadzki RJ, Pugh EN Jr, Herrmann R, and Burns ME. (2018) Loss of cone function without degeneration in a novel Gnat2 knock-out mouse. Experimental Eye Research, 171: 111-118. [PubMed]
- Wang X, Miller EB, Goswami M, Zhang P, Ronning KE, Karlen SJ, Zawadzki RJ, Pugh EN Jr, and Burns ME. (2017) Rapid monocyte infiltration following retinal detachment is dependent on non-canonical IL6 signaling through gp130. Journal of Neuroinflammation, 14: 121. [PubMed]